It’s as if we are reading this Psalm over Jesus’ shoulder. This marvelous psalm has ingrained itself into the corporate prayer and devotion of the church. Let us take the opportunity to remind ourselves that it has functioned similarly in the synagogue. In that light, perhaps we should ask ourselves how this prayer of David may have shaped the prayer life of Jesus himself, faithful yet radical son of Israel that he was and is. This prayer was on Jesus’ lips long before his followers realized he was the shepherd. Join us Sunday as Rev. Teresa shares new insight into this familiar 23rd psalm. See you Sunday, in person or online!
First Christian Church of Lawrenceville is located in Lawrenceville, Georgia in Gwinnett County. Find out more by going to our website at
“Guest of Honor” is our sermon title for World Communion Sunday. Jesus saves us a place at His table as if we are the...
In Luke’s gospel, the day of the resurrection was jam-packed. The women came to the tomb, found it empty, and announced it to everyone....
This Sunday is Palm Sunday, the day when we celebrate Jesus’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem at the start of the week that would end...