John 15: 1-8 is a well-known and often-recited passage, about being the vine and the branches. It’s a call to be in community, to work communally. God prunes the vines to make room for new growth. On Sunday, we will explore the theme of being the branches that are deeply connected to Jesus, the vine, and tended by God, the vine-grower. Where is God pruning us as a community, and what new growth is on our horizon? Join us Sunday as Rev. Diane explores this familiar saying of Jesus in John’s gospel. See you Sunday, in person or online!
First Christian Church of Lawrenceville is located in Lawrenceville, Georgia in Gwinnett County. Find out more by going to our website at
“Guest of Honor” is our sermon title for World Communion Sunday. Jesus saves us a place at His table as if we are the...
You’ve probably heard the story of Joseph and his brothers many times — in VBS or Sunday school, in worship, or even in the...
According to the prophet Joel, God would one day empower all classes of the community to become prophets by pouring out the Spirit in...