Jesus did much of his teaching about the Kingdom of God using parables. He took familiar elements, such as a farmer planting a field, and used them to reveal important truths about God and God’s world. This Sunday, we will take a look at the parable of the wheat and the weeds. Rev. Diane will be preaching. You may want to read Matthew 13: 24-30 and 36-43 in preparation. See you Sunday, in person or online!
First Christian Church of Lawrenceville is located in Lawrenceville, Georgia in Gwinnett County. Find out more by going to our website at
This week, we answer the call that Jesus asked of the twelve last week. It’s Luke’s version of Matthew’s Sermon on the Mount, except...
This week, we take a journey into the Old Testament with Elijah. Elijah is at the end of his rope and is ready to...
As we have moved through the season of Advent, we have explored the prophecies of the Old Testament prophets and of John the Baptist....