This Sunday, we will move into Ordinary Time, that long stretch between Pentecost and Advent. We will take a look at the calling of Matthew the Tax Collector to be Jesus's disciple, and we will focus on some of Jesus's miracles, as reported in Matthew's gospel - including healing the woman who had been hemorrhaging for 12 years and bringing back to life the daughter of the Jewish leader. We'll spend some time thinking about what those miracles demonstrated about Jesus, and what lessons we can take from them today. You may want to read Matthew 9: 9-13 and 18-26 in preparation.
First Christian Church of Lawrenceville is located in Lawrenceville, Georgia in Gwinnett County. Find out more by going to our website at
Rev. Dr. Hoyt Huff will be preaching this Sunday. His message is “I Have Become…,” based on Psalm 90. Come ready to hear his...
“Guest of Honor” is our sermon title for World Communion Sunday. Jesus saves us a place at His table as if we are the...
Although Jesus overturns the money changer’s Table and drives out the animals, his furor is secondarily against the merchants and primarily against those who...