In his letter to the new Christian community in Corinth, Paul addressed the issue of who were the “best” Christians and which spiritual gifts were most important and valuable. Paul reminded them -and us – that we are all interconnected parts of the one body of Christ, and we all have unique gifts to contribute to the common good. We will explore this well-known passage to see how it can guide us as a congregation as we move forward in 2025 and beyond. See you Sunday, in person or online.
First Christian Church of Lawrenceville is located in Lawrenceville, Georgia in Gwinnett County. Find out more by going to our website at
In Mark's gospel, the disciples have a hard time understanding who Jesus really is. Time and time again, Jesus predicts that he will be...
This week, we find Jesus among his disciples. Our passage acknowledges that Jesus is human and the “Son of Man.” So, who are you? ...
This Sunday, we will take a look at Jesus's encounters with two specific people requesting healing: the Syrophoenician woman, whose daughter had an unclean...