Have you ever wondered why Jesus chose 12 apostles? It wasn’t an arbitrary decision; the 12 apostles represented the 12 Tribes of Israel. When Judas died after betraying Jesus to the Jewish authorities, the group of apostles was incomplete. This week, we will take a look at the story of how the apostles chose someone new to complete the group. We’ll also consider how the apostles narrowed down the options, and we’ll wonder about why women weren’t considered. Join us on Sunday as Rev. Diane shares a sermon titled "Completing the Circle" based on Acts 1: 15-17 and 21-26.
We will also celebrate mothers, grandmothers, and all other women who provide mothering in our lives during worship. Please See you Sunday, in person or online!
First Christian Church of Lawrenceville is located in Lawrenceville, Georgia in Gwinnett County. Find out more by going to our website at https://lawrencevillechristianchurch.org/
This Sunday is World Communion Sunday, a time when we celebrate our oneness with Christians of all denominations around the world. We will welcome...
Jesus did much of his teaching about the Kingdom of God using parables. He took familiar elements, such as a farmer planting a field,...
As a preview to Bible Study, this Sunday’s sermon will come from the book of Nehemiah! When God gives us a task, diligence is...