This week begins a new Summer Sermon series!! “In For Service!“
The summer is a great time for self-reflection: a time to peak under the metaphorical hood and allow God to “tune us up” in preparation for what God has for us next!
This Sunday, we are evaluating something we all probably need a double dose of now: patience!! Please read Ephesians 4:1-6 in preparation, for our sermon entitled, "Take It Down a Notch!"
Today's sermon is "The Sheep and The Goats" by Rev. Diane Bales. Today's scripture is Matthew 25:31-46. First Christian Church of Lawrenceville is located...
A sound like a mighty wind. Tongues of fire. Speaking in many languages. This Sunday, we will celebrate Pentecost, when the disciples received the...
Jesus did much of his teaching through parables, stories that used everyday things to teach important faith lessons. Some of the parables are easy...