Faith is a little like a seed, planted in good soil and growing over time. It takes patience, nurturing, and faithfulness to reach full faith maturity, both as individuals and as a congregation. As we contemplate what’s next in our collective future as a congregation, Rev. Diane invites you to come listen to two parables about seeds, and consider where our church is in these stories. Please read Mark 4: 26- 34 in preparation.
First Christian Church of Lawrenceville is located in Lawrenceville, Georgia in Gwinnett County. Find out more by going to our website at
This Sunday, we will conclude our celebration of Eastertide and the joy of the resurrection as we mark the ascension of Christ, as described...
This Sunday is World Communion Sunday, a time when we celebrate our oneness with Christians of all denominations around the world. We will welcome...
Join us this Sunday, November 5 for a celebration of the “saints” who have helped us grow in faith throughout our lives. We will...