Throughout the scriptures, we read stories of strange, unbelievable events – Moses parting the waters; Jesus raising people from the dead; demons leaving a person and entering a herd of swine. This Sunday, we will take a look at one of these unbelievable stories, where Jesus was transfigured on the mountaintop and joined by Moses and Elijah as three of the disciples watched. What does this strange event mean, and how does it relate to us? Join us Sunday as Rev. Diane helps us explore “Mountaintop Experiences,” based on Mark 9: 2- 9. See you Sunday, in person or online!
First Christian Church of Lawrenceville is located in Lawrenceville, Georgia in Gwinnett County. Find out more by going to our website at
In our scripture this week, Jesus once again reminds his disciples of his imminent death and suffering. The disciples comment on the temple, the...
This Sunday Rev. Teresa Bensch will give the sermon "Pathway to the Manger". The scripture for this Sunday is Matthew 2:1-12. First Christian Church...
A sound like a mighty wind. Tongues of fire. Speaking in many languages. This Sunday, we will celebrate Pentecost, when the disciples received the...