This Sunday, we will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, with all the disbelief and wonder and joy that goes with it. We’ll look at the ways things were not as they seemed on that long-ago Sunday morning, and we’ll explore the resurrection as the start of “the rest of the story.” You may want to read the resurrection story in John 20: 1-18 to prepare. See you on Easter Sunday, in person or online.
First Christian Church of Lawrenceville is located in Lawrenceville, Georgia in Gwinnett County. Find out more by going to our website at
This Sunday we will welcome Rev. David Kenley as our guest preacher. David is a hospice chaplain, and has preached at LFCC before. He...
Join us this week as we learn from a dynamic duo - Naomi and Ruth. We'll learn about Hospitality and Fidelity as we explore...
This Sunday, Teresa will take us back to the book of Romans, where she will help us understand more of Paul's instructions for Christian...